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- Standard 52-card pack.
- Suit high ⇨ low: ♠♥♣♦.
- Rank high ⇨ low: 2AKQJ109876543.
- Number of cards in each player's hand is always visible.
- First player to play all their cards wins and immediately ends the game.
- Remaining players ranked by fewest cards in hand.
The play
- Counter-clockwise turn order.
- 3♦ plays first, either by itself or as part of a combination.
- Cards are placed face-up.
- Plays must be the same number of cards as the lead.
- Each play must be stronger than the last.
- A player can always choose to pass or play on their turn.
- The winner leads the next play.
- Highest rank wins.
- Suit breaks ties.
# | Combination | Example |
1 | Single | K♠ > K♥ |
2 | Pair | J♠J♦ > J♥J♣ |
3 | Triple | 2♥2♣2♦ > 3♠3♥3♦ |
5 | Straight sequence | 9♦8♦7♦6♦5♣ > 8♠7♠6♠5♠4♥ |
Flush same suit | 9♦6♦5♦4♦3♦ > 8♠7♠6♠5♠3♠ | |
Full House triple + pair | 4♥4♣4♦J♠J♦ > 3♠3♥3♦Q♠Q♦ | |
Four-of-a-kind + One | 2♠2♥2♣2♦J♣ > 3♠3♥3♣3♦Q♣ | |
Straight Flush | 8♥7♥6♥5♥4♥ > 7♠6♠5♠4♠3♠ |
Number of rounds
Cumulative scoring
- All players get penalty points which can be multiplied based on the number of cards left.
Winner takes all
- All players pay the winner points which can be multiplied based on the number of cards left.
Pay to higher ranks
- Players pay all higher-ranked players points which can be multiplied based on the number of cards left.
First player
Lowest card
- The holder of the lowest card starts a round. The first player must include the lowest card in the first play.
Round winner
- The holder of the lowest card starts the first round, then the winner of the previous round starts the next round.
- The first player may play any combination except the first round.
Base penalty calculation
Number of cards
- The base penalty is 1 point per card.
Rank of cards
- The base penalty is the sum of card ranks (3: 1 point, ..., 2: 13 points).
- The base penalty is always 1 point.
Fours and Straight flushes are bombs
- Four with a single or straight flush can be played against any combination except higher bombs.
Automatic turn skip
- The game checks only public information to determine whether a player has any chance of beating the current combination regardless of the cards in hand.
- If all relevant higher cards are discarded already, the turn is skipped automatically.
Αυτή η σελίδα προέρχεται από το BGA wiki, και έχει γραφτεί από την κοινότητα της BGA. Μη διστάσετε να την επεξεργαστείτε!