Collect and walk all your favorite dogs in this beautiful, card-driven game.
Players are Dog Walkers recruiting 8 Dogs into their Kennel over 4 rounds. Each round, players have the opportunity to walk up to 3 of their Dogs through the Dog Park alongside their fellow players. In the Park, players will collect resources and earn Reputation. At the end of each round, players will earn Reputation for the Dogs they have walked and lose Reputation for any unwalked Dogs in their Kennel. The goal is to have the most Reputation at the end of the game. Players can build their Reputation by walking their Dogs, scoring in the Breed Expert awards, and completing their Objective.
Αριθμός παιχτών: 1 - 4
Διάρκεια παιχνιδιού: 32 mn
Πολυπλοκότητα: 2 / 5
Παίξτε dogpark και 1003 άλλα παιχνίδια online.
Δεν απαιτείται λήψη - παίζεις απευθείας από το πρόγραμμα περιήγησής σου.
Με τους φίλους σου και χιλιάδες παίχτες από όλον τον κόσμο.
Παίξτε dogpark και 1003 άλλα παιχνίδια online.
Δεν απαιτείται λήψη - παίζεις απευθείας από το πρόγραμμα περιήγησής σου.
Με τους φίλους σου και χιλιάδες παίχτες από όλον τον κόσμο.
Περίληψη κανόνων
Played over 4 Rounds
Each round has 4 phases:
Home Time
Each player selects a Reputation value on their Offer Dial and place it beneath their desired dog, players can bid on the same or different dogs, and you must have what you bid
Once everyone is done, the offers are revealed
If only one player bid on a dog, they pay the amount declared and get the dog
If multiple players bid, the highest bid wins and that player pays for and gets the dog
Once bided dogs are distributed, those who didn't get a dog claim
Those with at least 1 reputation, as in they lost the bidding, go first and claim dogs at will
Those with 0 reputation, so they couldn't bid, then get to choose a dog from the leftovers
The above is then repeated a SECOND time, so all players end up with 2 dogs (note that you can be in reputation and bid normally in the first half, then be on 0 reputation and get the leftovers in the second half)
From those dogs in your kennel, players can pick up to 3 to take on a walk
For each dog you wish to select, you must be able to pay the dog's walking cost (on the left banner) If 2 players bids are a tie and the highest bids, the one who bid first gets that dog.
You can always pay at a rate of 2 for 1 if you don't have a certain resource, however you can't save resources, so if you have the required resource you must use it
However the walking cost is paid, place a walked token on the dog
All players MUST walk at least 1 dog
If a player truly cannot walk at least 1 dog, they are given 1 Stick & 1 Ball as compensation
Players take turns walking their selected dogs
You must move 1-4 spaces
You cannot walk backwards
If the landed space is vacant, you gain the printed reward and possible dog abilities if the reward matches
If the landed space is occupied, they can only gain rewards and bonuses if they pay 1 Reputation
In leaving order, the players gain exit bonuses, the last walker in the park loses 1 Reputation wherever they may be and isn't allowed to finish the route
Special Actions
To perform Swap, the player must swap one Dog from their Kennel with a Dog in the Field. Unless stated otherwise, all the Walked tokens on the Dog leaving the player’s Kennel are discarded. The player does not place Walked tokens on the new Dog in their Kennel. Swap is always an optional action.
Swap & Walked
Perform Swap as above, but the player places a Walked token on the new Dog in their Kennel. This Walked token can only be placed on the newly acquired dog.
To perform Scout, the player must look at the top 2 cards of the Dog deck. This action is performed publicly. The Scouting player may then choose to replace a Dog in the Field with 1 of the Dog cards they have drawn. Any discarded Dog cards are placed to the side of the Park board.
Home Time
Gain 2 Reputation for each dog on the Lead
Lose 1 Reputation for each dog in the Kennel with no Walked Token
Move Dogs on the Lead to the Kennel
Move the Walker to the Lead
If this is not the final round, the following happens too:
Flip the forecast card
A new Location Bonus is revealed
The first player token is passed on
Game End
The game ends at the end of Round 4
Any dogs with game end abilities can now be activated if you have the required resources
After which, proceed to scoring
Start with the base Reputation
Add the scores End Game abilities gave you
Add Breed Expert award scores
Add Objective award scores
Add 1 Reputation per 5 retained resources
The player with the most points wins!