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Τα στατιστικά των παιχτών είναι διαθέσιμα μόνο στα μέλη της λέσχης της Board Game Arena

Υποστήριξε την Board Game Arena: γίνε Premium!

Προφίλ παίχτη

Μέσος όρος Abomy Μέσος όρος όλων των παικτών Μέσος όρος νικητών
Χρόνος σκέψης
Time bonus number
Reflexion time standard deviation
Total points
Points from the 5 game rounds
Points from the beagle goals
Points from the personal board
Points from the theory of evolution track
Points from coins and temporary knowledge
Money spent
Money spent for placement penalties
Money spent for unlocking locations
Money spent for wax seals
Money earned from delivered specimens
Evolution points gained from delivered specimens
Number of exploration actions
Number of navigation actions
Number of correspondence actions
Number of academy actions
Number of special actions
Number of delivery actions
Number of research actions
Number of location unlock actions
Number of reserve turn order actions
Number of gain objective actions
Number of fulfilled objectives
Number of fulfilled crew cards
Number of purchased wax seals
Number of discovered specimens
Number of researched specimens
Number of delivered specimens
Number of steps moved with explorer
Number of spaces moved with ship
Number of tents placed
Number of temporary knowledge tokens used
Ευχαριστώ : Είσαι ένας από τους πιο πιστούς μας παίχτες!
Αποκτήστε ότι καλύτερο από την Board Game Arena με μόνο $5 / μήνας.