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Διαμόρφωση τραπεζιού

Λειτουργία παιχνιδιού
Κανονική λειτουργία
Ταχύτητα παιχνιδιού
Εκ-περιτροπής • 1 κίνηση ανά ημέρα
Season Campaign (Expansion)
5 Race Season (Expansion)
Play a 5-race Season Campaign. All Season Campaign rules such as Drivers and Sponsors will be used.
Drivers [Season Campaign Only]
Choose from a Limited Pool (official expansion rules)
Players choose a Driver card that they use throughout the entire game. Each card gives a different bonus. Before the game, 1 Driver Card is drawn per player, plus an additional Driver. Players choose from these options.
Enable Daytona Beach Track? [Season Campaign Only]
Enable Monza Track? [Season Campaign Only]
Enable Talladega Track? [Season Campaign Only]
Enable Monte Carlo Track? [Season Campaign Only]
Enable Tucson Track? [Season Campaign Only]
Card Set
Choose which cards you wish to play with
Garage Card [Choose Cards Only]
Performance Testing (Racing Season)
Remove this cube. Then draw up to 3 cubes.
Handling Card [Choose Cards Only]
Gain 1 wear. Discard 1 gear from your active pile. Move up to 3 spaces of the color 1 lower than the discarded gear.
Pit Card [Choose Cards Only]
Draw cubes until you draw 1 non-wear. Then remove all wear from your discard pile.
Engine Card [Choose Cards Only]
Gain 1 wear. Move up to as many white spaces as you have unique colors in your discard pile.
Performance Card [Choose Cards Only]
Gain 1 wear. Move up to as many light gray spaces as your current position in the race. If in last position, you may move 1 additional light gray space.
Weaving Movement
The original game movement rules. When a car moves into a space, they will always move to the front of it.
Bag Contents
Show Exact Number of Cubes in your Bag
A variation for online play: players are told exactly how many cubes are in their bag at all times.
Wear Cubes
A recommended variation for online play: there is no limit to the number of available wear cubes, and you will always gain cubes if required.

1 ελάχιστο

μέσος χρόνος αναμονής

Αποτέλεσμα παιχνιδιού

Διαμόρφωση τραπεζιού

Λειτουργία παιχνιδιού
Κανονική λειτουργία
Ταχύτητα παιχνιδιού
Εκ-περιτροπής • 1 κίνηση ανά ημέρα
+24h00 ανά γύρο (μέγιστο 3 ημέρες)
Season Campaign (Expansion)
5 Race Season (Expansion)
Play a 5-race Season Campaign. All Season Campaign rules such as Drivers and Sponsors will be used.
Drivers [Season Campaign Only]
Choose from a Limited Pool (official expansion rules)
Players choose a Driver card that they use throughout the entire game. Each card gives a different bonus. Before the game, 1 Driver Card is drawn per player, plus an additional Driver. Players choose from these options.
Enable Daytona Beach Track? [Season Campaign Only]
Enable Monza Track? [Season Campaign Only]
Enable Talladega Track? [Season Campaign Only]
Enable Monte Carlo Track? [Season Campaign Only]
Enable Tucson Track? [Season Campaign Only]
Card Set
Choose which cards you wish to play with
Garage Card [Choose Cards Only]
Performance Testing (Racing Season)
Remove this cube. Then draw up to 3 cubes.
Handling Card [Choose Cards Only]
Gain 1 wear. Discard 1 gear from your active pile. Move up to 3 spaces of the color 1 lower than the discarded gear.
Pit Card [Choose Cards Only]
Draw cubes until you draw 1 non-wear. Then remove all wear from your discard pile.
Engine Card [Choose Cards Only]
Gain 1 wear. Move up to as many white spaces as you have unique colors in your discard pile.
Performance Card [Choose Cards Only]
Gain 1 wear. Move up to as many light gray spaces as your current position in the race. If in last position, you may move 1 additional light gray space.
Weaving Movement
The original game movement rules. When a car moves into a space, they will always move to the front of it.
Bag Contents
Show Exact Number of Cubes in your Bag
A variation for online play: players are told exactly how many cubes are in their bag at all times.
Wear Cubes
A recommended variation for online play: there is no limit to the number of available wear cubes, and you will always gain cubes if required.

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