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Διαμόρφωση τραπεζιού

Λειτουργία παιχνιδιού
Κανονική λειτουργία
Ταχύτητα παιχνιδιού
Πραγματικός χρόνος • Μεσαία ταχύτητα
Game end
Winner takes all
Blinds increase frequency
Fast - every 5 hands
Blinds start at 1/2 and double every 5 hands or when a player is eliminated
Initial amount of chips
200 total value per player
Each player starts with a total chips value of 200.
All in minimum raise exception
The All In action is NOT subject to the minimum raise amount rule. Players can go all in to raise a bet even if they don't have enough chips in stock to raise by the current minimum bet or raise amount.
Show remaining river cards
Regular rule: if all players but one have folded, the remaining river cards are not revealed.

2 ελάχιστο

μέσος χρόνος αναμονής

Αποτέλεσμα παιχνιδιού


Διαμόρφωση τραπεζιού

Λειτουργία παιχνιδιού
Κανονική λειτουργία
Ταχύτητα παιχνιδιού
Πραγματικός χρόνος • Μεσαία ταχύτητα
+0:19 ανά γύρο (μέγιστο 1:57)
Game end
Winner takes all
Blinds increase frequency
Fast - every 5 hands
Blinds start at 1/2 and double every 5 hands or when a player is eliminated
Initial amount of chips
200 total value per player
Each player starts with a total chips value of 200.
All in minimum raise exception
The All In action is NOT subject to the minimum raise amount rule. Players can go all in to raise a bet even if they don't have enough chips in stock to raise by the current minimum bet or raise amount.
Show remaining river cards
Regular rule: if all players but one have folded, the remaining river cards are not revealed.

Παίχτες γύρω από αυτό το τραπέζι τώρα

Πληροφορίες παιχνιδιού

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