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stalkexchange_displayed αναφορές
#161449: "Visual Misaligned Board/Visual Board Reset/Visual Point Value Incorrect [Linked Bugs]"
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Κάποια στιγμή δεν είχα πρόσβαση στο περιβάλλον του παιχνιδιού
Λεπτομερής περιγραφή
• Τι εμφανιζόταν στην οθόνη όταν σταμάτησε (Κενή οθόνη; Μέρος του περιβάλλοντος του παιχνιδιού; Μήνυμα σφάλματος;)
This is a visual bug affecting non-premium members after they get the "You are BGA's blah blah blah" countdown screen. I have confirmed on multiple non-premium accounts it is not limited to one and it also is not just limited to desktop as I've replicated it on mobile as well.
Firefox (latest) and Chrome (latest) I can confirm both do this.
To fix this (temp) a refresh will properly align the board on the screen, however it seems this bug is linked to other visual bugs.
In some cases after having the countdown screen/misaligned board error, after a players turn ends the board can go to a visually bugged state where no point values (flower score on the board shows as non-harvested despite flowers being on the gameboard (stepping stone progress side). This seems to occur most (though unable to replicate it 100%) when you have the browser minimized or tabbed out when a turn ends.
The other visual bug occurring that I have only experienced (unable to force yet) is the scores not being correct/reflecting the harvested flowers. Again this is only experienced (by me) after the BGA countdown screen.
On both chrome and firefox and mobile and PC after the BGA countdown error occurs on the board it can persist into other Stalk Exchange matches if you do not close your browser.
Closing and restarting the browser seems to clear the error so something temp storage related or cashed?
To force this use a non-premium account and wait till you get the "Join BGA Premium Members To Skip This Countdown" screen. This visual offscreen board error is easy to replicate but the other two which seem to be linked are able to be replicated about 60% of the time after I force the first bug and it seems to tied to something I haven't figured out just yet but I do believe they are linked as if I get the first I can get the other two.
• Ποιο είναι το πρόγραμμα περιήγησής σου;
Google Chrome v134
Ιστορικό αναφορών
14 Μαρ 2025 22:54 •
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Παρακαλούμε να προσθέσετε εδώ κάτι που φαίνεται σχετικό για την αναπαραγωγή αυτού του σφάλματος ή για την κατανόηση της πρότασής σας:
- Άλλο ID τραπεζιού/ ID κίνησης
- Το F5 έλυσε το πρόβλημα;
- Το πρόβλημα εμφανιζόταν αρκετές φορες;Παντού ; Τυχαία;
- Αν έχεις απόσπασμα οθόνης από αυτό το σφάλμα (είναι καλή αυτή η πρακτική), μπορείς να χρησιμοποιήσεις το Imgur.com για να το ανεβάσεις και να κάνεις αντιγραφή/επικόλληση του συνδέσμου εδώ.